Factor in Maintaining Healthy Tissue: Cells in normal tissue seem to have "personal space" issues.
They know how much space they like, and if things get too tight, some cells are
forced to leave.
from Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) at the University of Utah have found that
normal epithelium tissue ejects living cells to maintain a steady population
and ease overcrowding. This discovery has the potential to reveal what goes
awry in cancer when cells do not turnover, but instead pile up.
research results recently appeared online in the journal Nature.
epithelium is the tissue layer that forms the outer and inner surfaces of the
body, including the skin and the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. Many
types of cancer originate in the epithelium.
studies showed that dying cells are pushed out of the epithelium, or extruded,
when researchers purposely trigger cell death in the lab. "But it wasn't
clear what factors caused cells to die in normal tissues," said Jody
Rosenblatt, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Oncological
Sciences at the University of Utah School of Medicine and an HCI investigator.
In one
experiment, cells were cultured on a stretched elastic base. After the culture
was well-populated with cells, the base was allowed to return to its original
size, which meant the cells had much less room.
found that overcrowding -- too many cells occupying a limited space -- makes
some cells leave the tissue to give the remaining cells enough room," said
experiment in the series used a zebrafish model to show that when a key
stretch-activated channel controlling cell extrusion is blocked, cell masses
form where cells failed to extrude. The same type of increased cell density
without extrusions was observed in sections of colon polyps, compared to normal
colon tissue.
the polyps, which are precursors to colon cancer, there's a similar pile-up of
cells," said Rosenblatt. "If they behaved as normal colon tissue, we
would have seen cells extrude, but polyps don't seem to do it.
don't know why yet; that will be investigated in further research.
is a basic discovery for which there may be exciting implications for diseases
like asthma or colitis where too much cell death leads to poor barrier function
and for cancer where there is not enough cell death," she added.
"More studies are needed even to figure out what those implications may
work was supported by a NIH-NIGMS NIH Director's New Innovator Award, a
National Cancer Institute award to support core facilities (NIH/NCI
P30CA042014-21S2), a NIH Multidisciplinary Cancer Training Grant, an American
Cancer Society Postdoctoral Fellowship, and a University of Utah Undergraduate
Research Opportunities Program Parent Fund Assistantship.
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