Sunday, July 8, 2012

USA - New Laser Aims to Zap Cellulite at the Source

Bathing-suit season is here and with it, anxiety over cellulite. A new laser device that burrows under the skin is getting praise from some doctors who say it gives more dramatic and longer-lasting results than previous treatments, but others caution that more research is needed.

Cellulite is a dimpled, uneven appearance of skin caused by fat underneath. It affects some 85% of women and about 5% of men. Until recently, the main treatments to battle cellulite have been external treatments such as creams and radio-frequency and massage devices. The creams are largely ineffective and the devices have a modest effect that typically lasts about six months, doctors say.

A therapy called Cellulaze, which uses a laser machine sold by Cynosure Inc. in Westford, Mass., hit the U.S. market in February. Some doctors say the results are impressive. "The results are nothing short of remarkable," says Los Angeles plastic surgeon Grant Stevens, a clinical professor of surgery at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles. Dr. Stevens, who isn't affiliated with Cynosure, said he and another doctor in his practice together have treated about 40 patients with Cellulaze.

Based on the published scientific data, Cellulaze is "promising," says Mathew M. Avram, director of the Dermatology Laser & Cosmetic Center at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. But "we need more clinical experience before we can make any definitive statements as to the efficacy of the device."

Cellulaze is different from earlier treatments in that it tackles the root causes of cellulite, including thinning skin and connective fibers called septae that are believed to create tension by pulling down the skin, contributing to an uneven appearance, says Gordon H. Sasaki, a clinical professor of plastic surgery at Loma Linda University Medical University Center in Loma Linda, Calif. Dr. Sasaki is a paid consultant to Cynosure.

Cellulaze is done by plastic surgeons in their offices under local anesthetic. It typically costs $5,000 to $7,000 for a bilateral area, such as the thighs, and another $2,500 or more for each additional area. One or more tiny incisions are made so a narrow tube called a cannula can be inserted into the skin. Laser light, delivered through the cannula, cuts the septae and melts small amounts of fat, Dr. Sasaki says. It heats the underside of the skin, which stimulates collagen production and makes skin thicker and more elastic, he adds.

Cellulaze leaves tiny scars—about two millimeters long—which fade with time, surgeons say. Typically, compression garments are recommended for at least two or three weeks to prevent fluid buildup. And there will be bruises, so patients typically need to wait three to six weeks before venturing out in a bathing suit, surgeons say.

The procedure can cause a buildup of fluid in the area that has been treated, which can last for months and needs to be drained regularly by a doctor.

In a written statement, Cynosure says "a few" patients in early trials had the buildups, called seromas, adding that they need to be drained to prevent infections and other complications. The company says it has since lowered the recommended laser dosage and it isn't aware of any seromas since the device hit the U.S. market.

According to a company-funded study of 10 women published last year in Aesthetic Surgery Journal, Cellulaze resulted in skin that was 25% thicker after a year. Cellulite reduction was "good" to "excellent" as graded by physicians.

Dr. Sasaki, in data obtained as part of a company-financed trial that has yet to be published, says 80% of 25 patients he treated are still enjoying "substantial improvement" two years after the surgery.

Lawrence Bass, director of the minimally invasive plastic-surgery program at New York University Langone Medical Center in New York, says the procedure appears to reduce the depth of cellulite dimples. A person with less-pronounced dimples is "most likely to get a home run" out of the procedure, says Dr. Bass, who has attended scientific presentations of the data but hasn't performed the procedure. But if you have really deep ones, he adds, "it might not be enough to make the lifestyle change you want to make, such as wearing shorts in the summertime."

If a deep dimple is still visible, fat can be injected with a syringe later to even it out, Dr. Sasaki says.

Another new laser treatment both for cellulite and body contouring is i-Lipo, i-Lipo, from Chromogenex Technologies Ltd., South Wales, England. The laser, which hit the U.S. market in December, is noninvasive and involves pads placed externally on the skin. I-Lipo provokes a chemical reaction that breaks down fat into its components, says company clinical manager Donna Freeman. After the treatment, a cardiovascular workout of 30 to 40 minutes is recommended to burn off the components.

The "Ultra" model of the device comes with a vacuum-massage device aimed at smoothing cellulite, but the effects on cellulite haven't yet been tested in a clinical trial, the company says. A 34-patient study, unpublished, found eight 20-minute sessions with the device reduced midsection size by 1.8 inches, measured by a tape measure, compared with only a third of an inch for a sham therapy, which looked the same to patients.

Dr. Bass says he is "skeptical" because measuring-tape data has a large margin of error. Chromogenex says the measurements used scientifically accepted standards.

New Laser Aims to Zap Cellulite at the Source – Review

Disease-mongering.  Failure to evaluate the laughably limited data that were cited.  Failure to quantify benefits or harms in a meaningful way.  Enough said?  If not, read on.

Our Review Summary

For a column entitled “Aches & Claims,” this entry caused us many aches because it didn’t adequately evaluate claims, such as:

-       “The results are nothing short of remarkable.”
-       “Cellulite reduction was good to excellent as graded by physicians.”
-       “Substantial improvement two years after surgery.”

Why This Matters

It’s ironic that one week after the big brouhaha over the Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act, a story like this about a cosmetic treatment that costs a minimum of $5,000 – 7,500 never mentioned insurance coverage.

There are many reasons Americans spend a far greater percentage of the GDP on health care than anyone else on the face of the Earth.  And stories like this capture just one little slice.

Cosmetic dermatology is one of the few domains in medicine where the “free market” reigns.  Although devices such as the laser highlighted in this story are approved by the FDA, the approval process does not guarantee the results.  That’s why it is so important to provide readers with as much information about new devices and new approaches as possible.


Costs were discussed. But the story didn’t discuss insurance coverage.  One online reader did, though, writing:
“Interesting how while plastic surgery isn’t covered by health insurance, the follow-up care and complications often are. The side effects of this procedure sound horrific, and we all get to pay for it.”


Deep in the story, a company-funded study of 10 (!) women was discussed – resulting in “skin that was 25% thicker after a year.”  What does that mean? What is the true benefit of that?   The story says doctors graded cellulite reduction as “good to excellent.”  In all 10 women?  Was this a subjective judgment?

Then the story cites unpublished data from a company-financed trial trial.  Might as well have been a news release.  Hardly a good source of evidence to cite at this point.

By the end, there really was no good quantification of benefit.
Interestingly, the story provides no information about what the subjects thought about the results.


Potential harms were mentioned:

-       Cellulaze leaves tiny scars—about two millimeters long—which fade with time, surgeons say. Typically, compression garments are recommended for at least two or three weeks to prevent fluid buildup. And there will be bruises, so patients typically need to wait three to six weeks before venturing out in a bathing suit, surgeons say.

-       The procedure can cause a buildup of fluid in the area that has been treated, which can last for months and needs to be drained regularly by a doctor.

-       In a written statement, Cynosure says “a few” patients in early trials had the buildups, called seromas, adding that they need to be drained to prevent infections and other complications. The company says it has since lowered the recommended laser dosage and it isn’t aware of any seromas since the device hit the U.S. market.

But none of these harms was quantified, so the scope of the potential harm wasn’t clear.  What does it actually mean when the story uses vague terms such as “typically”…”can cause”…”a few patients” ?


One independent perspective came from a dermatologist who said “”we need more clinical experience before we can make any definitive statements as to the efficacy of the device.”
But the rest of the story was cheerleading in its failure to explain or evaluate the evidence:

-       failing to point how laughably small is a company-funded study of 10 women
-       failing to point out the folly of citing data from a company-funded trial that is not published


Pretty egregious disease-mongering – both in what the story said and it what it didn’t say.

What it said:

Bathing-suit season is here and with it, anxiety over cellulite. A new laser device that burrows under the skin is getting praise from some doctors who say it gives more dramatic and longer-lasting results than previous treatments, but others caution that more research is needed.

Cellulite is a dimpled, uneven appearance of skin caused by fat underneath. It affects some 85% of women and about 5% of men.

What it didn’t say:

-       It didn’t have one word about why/whether cellulite needs to be treated.
-       It didn’t cite the source of the data for how many people are affected.  And of those supposed 85% of women and 5% of men, are they ALL considered candidates for treatment?  And if so, by whom?  With what vested interest?

Finally, the story described the “battle” with cellulitis, which conjures up images of fat cells being taken on by light sword-armed dermatologists to save humanity from the scourge of dimpled thighs. Battle?  Really?


There were two apparently independent sources quoted.


In a practice that is far too common in such stories, this one mentioned alternatives but waved them off as ineffective without citing any data.

Until recently, the main treatments to battle cellulite have been external treatments such as creams and radio-frequency and massage devices. The creams are largely ineffective and the devices have a modest effect that typically lasts about six months, doctors say.

Meantime, this entire story was based on two company-funded studies – one tiny and one unpublished!!!

The story stated that the laser approach “hit the US market in February.”


The story at least mentioned one other “new laser treatment for cellulite and body contouring.” (Although the only data cited on that approach also came from a tiny, unpublished study.)


Because two apparently independent experts were quoted, it does not appear that the story relied solely on a news release.

Total Score: 5 of 10 Satisfactory

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